June in the Garden 2022: Apparently I only thought about my Monarch butterflies this month and ignored my plants completely. Fortunately they grew anyways. I was looking back at all the pictures I took in June and just about 90% of them were of Monarch eggs, caterpillars and butterflies. I won’t get into Monarchs on this post because most of you already know about them. For those who don’t you can read about it on my post titled After the Egg by clicking here. Despite neglecting the garden it grew and bloomed beautifully. It was so happy in fact that it has become a bit over grown. All the pictures you will see in this post are the before pictures. For example in the picture below the nasturtiums look lovely, but they have taken over the path and the leaves are looking a bit yellow and the plant is leggy.

After these pictures were taken I yanked all the nasturtiums out. No worries though, the seeds were dropping all over the place. I will see a new batch growing by next week. The nasturtiums were also smothering the Salvia, so it was for the best if I want the plants to be an attractive shape with lots of blooms.
Pretty much the same story for the next raised bed over. The Calendula, that popped up on it’s own in front of and inside of the bed, looked great for a while. Unfortunately they get a bit out of control and need to be tamed. By tamed I mean I rip it out completely. Once again it left a lot of seeds behind, so the next batch will be along soon enough. I really needed to make room for the Black Eyed Susans that are growing in this bed. I planted them about two years ago, and they never really took off. This year however they are looking really strong. Crossing my fingers!

I like the pond area the most right now. It doesn’t ask too much of me, so I just let it do its thing.

The Hydrangea / Foxglove garden was just redone and not much has changed from the last update. You can see all the changes I made on my post titled To Kill A Foxglove by clicking here. I do have to giggle a bit about the Clematis that I had growing up the hog wire panel on the fence. I trimmed it back all the way to the ground and within a week it is racing a Passion Vine back up the panel. If you are going to be in my garden, you gotta be tough! I thought I killed it, but it was only dead.. not dead dead.

The beds on either side of the path by the patio are completely out of control and look like a mess. The Lavender is overgrown and flopped all over the place, and the butterfly bushes look ugly. The Nemesia are also looking yellow and leggy. It is chop chop time. What I should do is go online and see when is the proper time to trim particular plants back, but I am worried I won’t like the answer. I want to chop them now. So no Googling for me. I’m just going to do what I want and see who lives and who dies.

Oh boy! In this post I make it sound like all heck broke loose in my garden and it’s awful. It kinda is a bit overgrown, but if you take pictures up close it looks amazing. Next month’s post should show a garden a bit more manicured. Until then, here are a bunch of close-ups. Enjoy!