October in the garden: I don’t mean to brag, but I am killing it with the raising of Monarch Butterflies. I got these guys laying eggs like champs. Yes, a few of the Monarch butterflies that I had gotten as eggs on milkweed in the store, and raised in a habitat, have returned and layed eggs. SUCCESS!!! I went out into the garden one day and there they were, almost a dozen caterpillars chomping on leaves in the Milkweed Garden. I plucked them all up and put them in the safety of the butterfly enclosure. They did fantastic and now they are released back out into the world to keep the cycle going. Lets just see if they will return next year. Fingers crossed!

Do you remember that succulent I bought last month from a lady who told me to torture it into turning red? Well… she was right! I didn’t water it, and it has been in the hot sun the whole time. What a BEAUTY! Here is a side by side for comparison

It’s October and you know what that means… HALLOWEEN DECORATIONS! Yay! This year I added a cute zombie girl with a chainsaw (not my designs.. thank you internet) as well as a Jack O Lantern dude. He would be kinda scary, but he looks like he has to go potty or something. I TOLD YOU TO GO POTTY BEFORE YOU GO OUT BEHEADING ZOMBIES!! He seems happy though.

I am really excited about these three little fellas. They are a grass i ordered online called Standing Ovation. They have beautiful colors that change with the season. Almost a kaleidoscope looking plant. Can’t wait to see how them grow. I might need to put one of them in place of this plant that I may have trimmed back to far. OUCH!