Thrift Store Finds: February has been a pretty delightful so far. My favorite find is this awesome flower pot. Is it a cabbage? I don’t eat cabbage, so I have no clue. Google lens came back with nothing, and it doesn’t have a mark on it. I don’t care really, because I am definitely keeping this one. SO PRETTY!!!

I fell in love with these two mushrooms. They are very light being made of cardboard and velvet. Unfortunately hubby has been having a blast with them in a very childish way. STOP THAT!!! I have no idea if I am keeping them yet. They are super cute, but my hubby is driving me nuts!

Nostalgia got the best of me on these cute finds. Soda Fountain shop containers, Pyrex baking dish, and a vintage coffee maker I will never need jumped into my cart. I couldn’t leave them behind!

Easter is right around the corner, but I haven’t really found a lot of decor yet. I think Target started stocking up, but I would rather pay thrift shop prices. So far this is all I have found for Easter. I’m not complaining though. The trinket box is adorbs and I absolutely love the large ceramic egg. I might just keep that out year round.

We are only halfway through the month and I am certain that I will find more treasures over the next few weeks. In the meantime if you would like to visit my store on eBay you can do so by clicking here. For now, below you can see what other wonderful finds I have collected so far this month.

Have you ever just bought something because you wanted it and when you got home thought to yourself, “Why did I buy this??? Was is really necessary?” Well… these cuties below were entirely necessary!!! I LOVE THEM!!

Here we are at the end of the month with only two days left, and I am pretty sure I am done thrifting for February. Most likely that will be false, but let’s see what happens. I don’t even know what I will do. Last Friday was my biggest score in a long time. I found this Glassybaby votive at the Goodwill at 4:30pm for only $1. I was shocked to say the least. There were pickers everywhere on their phone checking values on things, and they all completely missed this beauty. If you don’t know what Glassybaby is, don’t feel bad. You aren’t the only one. The only reason I know about them is from watching thrifting videos on YouTube. They are handcrafted by artists in absolutely amazing colors, and can sell for anywhere from $40 to over $700. Finding them in the wild is every thrifters dream. In two years I have found only two, and that is pretty darn good. I have not been able to find comparable pricing on it, so it is not in my eBay shop yet. If anyone knows anything about this Glassybaby named Grass #80, I would love to hear from you!

These next items just makes me laugh. I have no clue what they are or what I am going to do with them. At the base they are 21 inches wide by 11 inches tall and made of ceramic. Garden art perhaps??? I have no clue, but at $4 each I decided to grab them and figure out what to do with them later.

I grabbed this huge metal pot off of Facebook Marketplace for free! It is completely rusted through at the bottom. I think it would be perfect for a blue hydrangea. I have never successful kept a blue hydrangea blue, so I am hoping putting it in a rusted container will help. This is not the spot it will end up in, but once again I was in “Grab it now and figure it our later” mode.

I think that is all for this month. All in all it was pretty successful and I couldn’t be happier. I have a pretty busy week ahead of me, so I might not get out thrifting anytime soon, but knowing me I will find a way. I would absolutely love it if you were to visit my eBay Store, Sonoma Treasures by clicking here.