Thrift Store Finds: January. I should not be buying anything in January. I should be saving money and trying to recover from Christmas. I am not known for listening to my brain. Poor guy. I always ignore him. I usually go where my body goes, and it went to my favorite shops.
In my defense I started off super strong and it was hard to quit after these beauties

This green Indiana Glass candy dish is just stunning. I had no idea i needed one until I saw it. It didnt have a price so I took it to the counter to see what they were asking for it. The shopkeeper hummed and hawed a bit and said $38. Now it was my turn. I gasped! OH MY! That is a bit much for something that has so many chips (it has two small ones). After a quick investigation she said $9.99. SOLD!!!
Next I found this cute vintage HEDO miniature bank. What a find in such good condition. I snagged her for $8. From what little information I could get on her she is worth anywhere from $180 to $699. That always drives me crazy when I am trying to figure out the value of something that is not common. Some people price stuff so outrageously and I don’t know if it is an accurate price or not. It just becomes a guessing game. ERG! The more I learn the better I will be able to price things. For now it’s just a lot of researching and guessing
This next bundle of treasures, I bought because they were so darn cute or interesting or just made me smile. Unfortunately I buy things I end up not wanting to sell because i like them so much. It takes all I have to put them up on eBay. If I don’t sell some of these items I can’t keep shopping and finding treasures. I compromise with myself though. If I really like an item I keep it for a while and enjoy it, then sell it after a few months when the novelty wears off.

I was so thrilled when I found this big beast of a thingy. I think it’s called a finial. I hid it behind a few plants, and a couple of candle holders. Hubby noticed it right away. It only cost me $5 at Goodwill. I certainly wasn’t going to say no to that. The two candle holders in front look beat up, but I think it adds a certain coolness to the arrangement. The sneaker and dog toy, not so much, but I do live here. I will figure out what to do with the large plant later. It was just supposed to hide the final temporarily.

Apparently I am always thinking of coffee. Anytime I see a Star Wars mug I pick it up for my youngest. Poor guy. He knows I get so excited when I find something for him, so he won’t tell me to stop. I should stop. I won’t stop. I have issues.

Here are a few other little treasures I picked up. SO CUTE!