To Kill A Foxglove. I am feeling a bit aggressive today. I know the foxglove are just hitting their stride, but they are ugly. I just can’t seem to get this bed to my liking. I want foxglove and hydrangea, but also want year round interest. With what I have now, that just won’t happen. I think it’s time to take drastic measures and just start over. Today I am going to rip this bed apart and build it back up. Below are some before pictures, and I will post the after later. I got my bucket, clippers, and a no mercy attitude.

UPDATE! OKAY! It’s 6pm and I just finished today’s workout. I am currently doing Chloe Ting’s two week Shred Challenge. You can follow my progress by clicking here. I had to do that before I reported on today’s foxglove MURDER!!! Once I sit down for the day, it’s impossible to get me back up. After what I did today, I have doubts I will even be able to get up tomorrow. Anywho… to the garden.
So as you know I wanted to have a foxglove and hydrangea garden with year round interest. As you might know, both are not attractive in the winter. After a few years of trying to make it work, I finally decided to rip it all out. I started with the huge pink foxglove in the center. The wind had knocked most of it down, so that was easy. Next I worked on the orange and pink foxglove. The pictures make it look like it’s pretty, but in real life, not so much. The leaves are kinda ugly. AWAY IT WENT! I left the pink foxglove on the left. It is cute and small and not in the way….yet.
Next I moved in on the hydrangea. I am sure they will have nightmares about me and my shovel for a few weeks. I was merciless. In truth I only moved three of them so that they would all be lined up against the back fence. I pulled out the weird shrub in the back. I really hated that I had to tie it up with a string to keep it from flopping around. I don’t have time for that!
The Primroses were next. I moved those bad boys to the front of the bed. I am crossing my fingers that they make it. So then I was left with a huge hole in the center of the bed. I pulled up a chair and stared at that hole for way too long. All the while there were two fuchsia begging to be released from their cramped pots.
When I finally realized it, I dug two huge holes and in they went. Below is the final product. Next year I will trim the fuchsia back a bit, but for now I will just let them rest. If everything lives I am certain I will be happy with it. Crossing my fingers!

To Kill A Foxglove