My Garden Update: January 2, 2020

It’s time for My Garden Update. A garden update? In January? Oh yes! My question is… Is it Spring yet? Don’t get mad at me for rushing it, but I think Winter had it’s time and I am ready to move on. The Christmas decorations have been put away, the parties are all over, and the New Year has been rung in. Right now I am ready to get back into the garden and plant some lavender and veggies. For the past few days I have been prepping the garden for Spring and adding a load of river rocks to my shade garden. This year I think I have a pretty solid plan. I was very successful last season with the butternut squash, so that will be added again this year. Just for giggles I am going to grow loofah. Every time I mention growing loofah, people ask me “Isn’t that a sea plant?” Nope! It’s a gourd. Next Christmas, everyone is getting a loofah. HAHA! Hubby has warned me again and agian not to be fooled by the few days of sunshine. It is still Winter, and it is not the time to plant. He is always worried I am going to run off to the garden center and grab a bunch of plants. Then the freeze will come and they will all die. Oh..but it’s so hard to fight the feeling. I was able to sneak a few bags of bulbs into the shopping cart at Costco. I shop alone at Costco, so it’s not like I am being all that sneaky. Now when I get home, I need to hide them. Let’s just hope I remember to. Now, what to do about my urge to buy plants right now? Maybe for now I will just dig a few holes where the lavender will go. What’s the harm in digging holes?