September In The Garden brought on a new obsession with succulents, and I think I may have gone a bit overboard. Actually.. can you really go overboard with these cute little guys? The answer is no. Unless you are talking to my hubby, then the answer is YES YES…STOP BUYING THEM! We will ignore him for now. This first guy I got is called campfire. The lady at the succulent nursery said that if I torture it and make it suffer it will turn red. Seems kinda mean, but I am onboard if it ends up looking like the red one in the picture below.

Some of the cuties pictured below were given to me by a very generous friend, and some of them were clippings from existing plants. My propagation skills are lacking, but I have been watching a lot of YouTube, so now I know everything. Seriously…you can learn everything on YouTube. I give these guys two weeks…maybe three.

I am super excited to announce I will be a grandma to 1500 baby Preying Mantis next year! This little beauty hanging out on the Sedum left a nice little egg in my path light. I think that’s the mom. Maybe the dad? Either way.. they like my garden enough to lay eggs.

I love this Pineapple Sage, but it has gotten way out of hand. This is only the second year for this plant and she is HUGE! That’s my chicken coop behind it. Sorry sage, at the end of the season you gotta go!

I almost don’t want to mention the eggplant, but I feel I need to. This is all I got…one little eggplant. I am done with veggies. GRRR. I gave that plant the best soil, regular waterings, and a nice sunny location. After all that he only gave me this one little eggplant. Tap Tap tap.. I’m tapping out.